The Lab services are in the fields of Hematology, Biochemistry, Immunology, Microbiology.We also specialize in the fields of Molecular Genetics and Forensic Hematology.

The main Lab services are providing routine and specialized analysis:

  • New specialized tests are performed based primarily on molecular genetics for example:
    • Paternity testing
    • Early detection of viruses at the level of DNA
    • The early detection of drugs in biological samples


  • Another service provided by the lab is the assistance in solving crime cases.We do this by :
    • providing scientific evidence in two ways.
      • This may be in court.
      • The evidence analysis needed is another way.


  • The Lab collaborates with networks and organizations in Cyprus and Greece.The participation and the implementation of research programs is something the Lab is active and passionate about.The Research Promotion Foundation is one of the collaborators of the Laboratory for such activities. The  ”Non-HDL Cholesterol and Triglycerides are independently associated with anthropometrical indices in a Cypriot population of healthy adults” experiment performed by the Lab and other specialists is an example.


  • The Lab strongly believes and supports young adults who have a strong work ethic and a thirst for continuous education to practice their field of study.For this reason,external partnerships with universities in Cyprus and abroad have been made by the lab.The reason for this is the development of students thesis and the practical experience of the working fields during the course of their university studies.